Every week, I can count on having at least one (often more) of my images hotlinked. I hate hotlinking. Can I stress how much I hate hotlinking? I hate hotlinkers.
Anyway, there are three images on my site that have the “privilege” of being the most hotlinked. Two of those images were taken with my camera and all copyrights belong to me. One image was lifted from a spam email sent to Tyler.
(By the way, did I mention how much I hate hotlinkers? I hate hotlinkers.)
So, I guess the point of this post is that I get a lot of hotlinks to my images. It’s been a really big problem lately thanks to Myspace and Xanga- two places that seem equally adept at harboring bandwidth thieves. I’ve even included warnings at the end of each post containing the popular hotlink pictures that I will punish hotlinkers. However, this has not stopped the rash of hotlinking I get each week.
And I highly doubt this message will do anything to stop the hotlinking, but I’m posting it because:
- I’m currently drunk.
- I’m currently alone with a dog that happens to fart and abandon ship, thus leaving me to suffer with her coma-inducing stench.
- And, I really feel like ranting about how much I hate hotlinkers.
(I forgot; did I mention how much I hate hotlinkers yet? I really, really hate hotlinkers.)
So, anyway. If you decide to hotlink any of my images, please don’t underestimate me. I’m really quite vindictive and creative when it comes to replacing my images. Eventually, I will post a tutorial of sorts that shows just how far I go when it comes to hotlinking. I’m serious. I actually have a folder on my precious little iBook titled “Hotlink Death”. You think I’m kidding, but I’m not. It contains all documentary evidence of hotlinkings and the consequences therein. Oh, and also- whatever you do- do not understimate my ability to look at my dear friend Goatse, especially while intoxicated.